
Mani (a.k.a Manes) & Manicheaism

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Primary Sources

Book or monograph C.R.C. Allberry, ed., A Manichaean Psalm-Book. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1938.
Book or monograph Jes P. Asmussen, Manichaean Literature: Representative Texts. Chiefly from Middle Persia and Parthian Writings: Representative Texts. Chiefly from Middle Persia and Parthian Writings. Academic Resources Corporation, 1975. Hbk. ISBN: 0820111414. pp.160.
Book or monograph Augustine, The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life, Fathers of the Church, Vol.56, trans. Donald A. & Idella J. Gallagher. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press. Hbk. ISBN: 0813200563. pp.128.
Book or monograph Mary Boyce, A Reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian. Textes et Mémoires, Tome II. Leiden: Brill, 1975 / Peeters, 1978. Pbk. ISBN: 9004043942. pp.196.
On-line Resource Francis Crawford Burkitt [1864-1935], The Religion of the ManicheesFrancis Crawford Burkitt [1864-1935], The Religion of the Manichees. Donnellan Lectures for 1924. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1924. Hbk. pp.130. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph R. Cameron & A. Dewey, ed. & Trans. The Cologne Mani Codex: "Concerning the Origin of His Body" Missoula: Scholars, 1979. ISBN: 0891303111. pp.79.
Book or monograph Søren Giversen, ed., The Manichaean Coptic Papyri in the Chester Beatty Library: Facsimile Edition, 4 Vols. Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1986-88.
Book or monograph Welburn: Mani, the Angel and the Column of GloryAndrew Welburn, Mani, the Angel and the Column of Glory: An Anthology of Manichaean Texts. Edinburgh: Floris, 1998. Hbk. ISBN: 0863152740. pp.320.

Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book Anthony Alcock, "The Sale of Mani," Vigiliae Christianae 55.1 (2001): 99-100.
Article in Journal or Book Jes Peter Asmussen, "Mani and the Manichaean Answer to Man's Search for Why," Ultimate Reality and Meaning 4.2 (1981): 122-143.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Nicholas J. Baker-Brian, Manichaeism. An Ancient Faith Rediscovered.Nicholas J. Baker-Brian, Manichaeism. An Ancient Faith Rediscovered. London: T & T Clark, 2011. ISBN: 9780567110411. pp.176. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
Book or monograph Peter Bryder, The Chinese Transformation of Manichaeism: A Study in Chinese Manichaean Terminology. Löberöd: Plus Ultra, 1985. ISBNL: 9186668005. pp.176.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Brown, "The Diffusion of Manichaeism in the Roman Empire," Religion and Society in the Age of St. Augustine. London: Faber & Faber, 1972. Hbk. ISBN: 0060105542. pp.94-118.
Book or monograph Francis Crawford Burkitt, The Religion of the Manichees. Donnellan Lectures for 1924. 1925. Hbk. ISBN: 0404161057.
Article in Journal or Book J.K. Coyle, "Mary Magdelene in Manichaeism," Muséon: Revue d'études orientales 104 (1991): 39-55.
Article in Journal or Book Therese Fuhrer, "Augustine’s Moulding of the Manichaean Idea of God in the Confessions," Vigiliae Christianae 67.5 (2013): 531-547.
Book or monograph Majella Franzmann, Jesus in the Manichaean Writings. Edinburgh: Continuum International Publishing Group - T & T Clark, Ltd., 2003. Hbk. ISBN: 0567089649. pp.208.
Article in Journal or Book W.H.C. Frend, "The Gnostic-Manichaean Tradition in Roman North Africa," The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 4.1 (1953): 13-26.
Article in Journal or Book Iain Gardner, "The Eschatology of Manichaeism as a Coherent Doctrine," Journal of Religious History 17.3 (1993): 257-273.
Book or monograph Manfred Heuser & Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Studies in Manichaean Literature and Art. Nag Hammadi & Manichaean Studies. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Hbk. ISBN: 9004107169. pp.272.
Article in Journal or Book Annemare Kotze, "Reading Psalm 4 to the Manicheans," Vigiliae Christianae 55.2 (2001): 119-136.
Article in Journal or Book Joseph C. Quy Lam, "Revelation, Christology and Grace in Augustine’s Anti-Manichean and Anti-Pelagian Controversies," Phronema 28.2 (2013): 131-149.
Book or monograph Samuel N.C. Lieu, Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China: A Historical Survey. Tübingen: Mohr, 1992. ISBN: 3161458206. pp.370.
Article in Journal or Book Rebecca Lyman, "Arians and Manichees on Christ," Journal of Theological Studies 40.2 (1989): 493-503.
Article in Journal or Book George MacRae, "The Jewish Background of the Gnostic Sophia Myth," Novum Testamentum 12 (1970): 86-101.
Article in Journal or Book Christine McCann, "Influence of Manichaeism on Augustine of Hippo as a Spiritual Mentor," Cistercian Studies Quarterly 44.3 (2009): 255–277.
On-line Resource J. van Oort, "The Young Augustine’s Knowledge of Manichaeism: An Analysis of the Confessiones and Some Other Relevant Texts," Vigiliae Christianae 62.5 (2008): 441-466.
Article in Journal or Book J. van Oort, "Manichaean Christians in Augustine’s Life and Work," Church History and Religious Culture 90.4 (2010): 505-546.
Article in Journal or Book J. van Oort, "Augustine’s Manichaean Dilemma in Context," Vigiliae Christianae 65.5 (2011): 543-567.
Article in Journal or Book J. van Oort, "Manichaean Women in Augustine’s Life and Works," Vigiliae Christianae 69.3 (2015): 312-326.
On-line Resource Robert Rainy [1826-1906], The Ancient Catholic Church from the Accession of Trajan to the Fourth General Council [A.D. 98-451]Robert Rainy, The Ancient Catholic Church from the Accession of Trajan to the Fourth General Council [A.D. 98-451]. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1902. Hbk. pp.539. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Rudolph: GnosisKurt Rudolph, Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism. HarperCollins Publishers, 1987. ISBN: 0060670185. pp.326-342.
Book or monograph T. Säve-Söderbergh, Studies in the Coptic Manichaean Psalm Book: Prosody and Mandaean Parallels. 1949.
Article in Journal or Book S. Stroumsa & C.G. Stroumsa, "Aspects of Anti-Manichaean Polemics in Late Antiquity and Under Early Islam," Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 81 (1988): 37-58.
Book or monograph George Widengren, Mani and Manichaeism. History of Religion Series. Revised by the author & translated by Charles Kessler. London: Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, 1965. Hbk. ISBN: 0404623964. pp. v + 168.
Book or monograph Michael A. Williams, The Immovable Race: Gnostic Designation and the Theme of Stability in Late Antiquity. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, No. 29. Leiden: Brill, 1985. Hbk. ISBN: 9004075976. pp.239.

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