
Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies
Vols. 1 - 9 (1981 - 1992)

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Vols. 1 - 9 (1981 - 1992)
Continues as:
Journal of Early Christian Studies Vols. 1 - 10 (1993- 2002)
Journal of Early Christian Studies Vols. 11 - 20 (2003 - 2012)
Vol. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 9

Volume 1 (1981)

Article in Journal or Book Everett Ferguson, "A new journal," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 3-4.
Article in Journal or Book Leander E. Keck, "Is the New Testament a field of study or, from Outler to Overbeck and back," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 19-35.
Article in Journal or Book Harold W. Attridge, "A response to Dean Leander E Keck," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 37-42.
Article in Journal or Book Glenn F. Chesnut, "A response to Dean Leander E Keck [pp 19-35] - from Alexander the Great to Constantine: supplying the context," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 43-49.
Article in Journal or Book Albert Cook Outler, "Response," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 51-53.
Article in Journal or Book "Research groups in North America studying early Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.1 (Spring 1981): 55-58.
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Neusner, "Max Weber revisited: religion and society in ancient Judaism: with special reference to the late first and second centuries," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.2 (Summer 1981): 61-84.
Article in Journal or Book Bentley Layton, "The recovery of Gnosticism : the philologist's task in the investigation of Nag Hammadi," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.2 (Summer 1981): 85-99.
Article in Journal or Book Robert L. Wilken, "Diversity and unity in early Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.2 (Summer 1981): 101-110.
Article in Journal or Book Eric George Jay, "From presbyter-bishops to bishops and presbyters : Christian ministry in the second century; a survey," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.3 (Fall 1981): 125-162.
Article in Journal or Book Michael Slusser, "Docetism: a historical definition," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.3 (Fall 1981): 163-172.
Article in Journal or Book Barry Baldwin, "A bibliographical survey: the second century from secular sources, 1969-80," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.3 (Fall 1981): 173-189.
Article in Journal or Book Eugene N. Lane, "Corpus monumentorum religionis Dei Menis addenda, 1971-81," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.4 (Winter 1981): 193-209.
Article in Journal or Book Louis Roberts, "The literary form of the Stromateis," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.4 (Winter 1981): 211-222.
Article in Journal or Book Eric F. Osborn, "The love command in second-century Christian writing," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 1.4 (Winter 1981): 223-243.

Volume 2 (1982)

Article in Journal or Book F. Stanley Jones, "The pseudo-Clementines: a history of research," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.1 (Spring 1982): 1-33.
Article in Journal or Book Terence Y. Mullins, "Word study: the use of hypotassein in Ignatius," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.1 (Spring 1982): 35-39.
Article in Journal or Book F. Stanley Jones, "The pseudo-Clementines: a history of research," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.2 (Summer 1982): 63-96.
Article in Journal or Book Carroll D. Osburn, "The text of the Pauline epistles in Hippolytus of Rome," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.2 (Summer 1982): 97-124.
Article in Journal or Book Harold Remus, "'Magic or miracle': some second-century instances," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.3 (Fall 1982): 127-156.
Article in Journal or Book H.J.W. Drijvers, "Facts and problems in early Syriac-speaking Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.3 (Fall 1982): 157-175.
2.4 Tertullian, special issue. Everett Ferguson, Editor.
Article in Journal or Book John F. Jansen, "Tertullian and the New Testament," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.4 (Winter 1982): 191-207.
Article in Journal or Book L. William Countryman, "Tertullian and the regula fidei," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.4 (Winter 1982): 208-227.
Article in Journal or Book Robert D. Sider, "Approaches to Tertullian: a study of recent scholarship," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2.4 (Winter 1982): 228-260.

Volume 3 (1983)

Article in Journal or Book Baruch M. Bokser, "Recent developments in the study of Judaism 70-200 CE," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.1 (Spring 1983): 1-68.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Martin Schenke, "The problem of gnosis," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.2 (Summer 1983): 73-87.
Article in Journal or Book Claude E. Cox, "Origen's use of Theodotion in the Elihu speeches," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.2 (Summer 1983): 89-98.
Article in Journal or Book Gary A. Bisbee, "The Acts of Justin Martyr: a form-critical study," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.3 (Fall 1983): 129-157.
Article in Journal or Book Carolyn Osiek, "The widow as altar: the rise and fall of a symbol," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.3 (Fall 1983): 159-169.
3.4 Clement of Alexandria, special issue. Everett Ferguson, Editor
Article in Journal or Book Thomas Halton, "Clement's lyre: a broken string, a new song," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.4 (Winter 1983): 177-199.
Article in Journal or Book James E. Davison, "Structural similarities and dissimilarities in the thought of Clement of Alexandria and the Valentinians," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.4 (Winter 1983): 201-217.
Article in Journal or Book Eric F. Osborn, "Clement of Alexandria: a review of research, 1958-1982," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 3.4 (Winter 1983): 219-244.

Volume 4 (1984/85)

Article in Journal or Book Gary T. Burke, "Walter Bauer and Celsus: the shape of late second-century Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.1 (Spring 1984): 1-7.
Article in Journal or Book Eugene N. Lane, "On the date of PGM IV," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.1 (Spring 1984): 25-27.
Article in Journal or Book Jean-Daniel Dubois, "The new Series Apocryphorum of the Corpus Christianorum," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.1 (Spring 1984): 29-36.
Article in Journal or Book Hans-Martin Schenke, "The mystery of the Gospel of Mark," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.2 (Summer 1984): 65-82.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Riggs, "From gracious table to sacramental elements : the tradition-history of Didache 9 and 10," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.2 (Summer 1984): 83-101.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin G. Wright, III, "Cerinthus apud Hippolytus : an inquiry into the traditions about Cerinthus's provenance," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.2 (Summer 1984): 103-115.
Article in Journal or Book William Reuben Farmer, "Albert C Outler," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.3 (Fall 1985): 131-132.
Article in Journal or Book Albert Cook Outler, "Origen and the regulae fidei," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.3 (Fall 1985): 133-141.
Article in Journal or Book William Reuben Farmer, "Galatians and the 2d century development of the regula fidei," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.3 (Fall 1985): 143-170.
Article in Journal or Book Philip L. Shuler, "Review and reflection," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.3 (Fall 1985): 171-176.
Article in Journal or Book William S. Babcock, "In memory of her from a "patristic" perspective: a review article," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.3 (Fall 1985): 177-184.
Article in Journal or Book Deirdre Joy Good, "Sophia in Valentinianism," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.4 (Winter 1984): 193-201.
Article in Journal or Book Roch A. Kereszty, "The unity of the church in the theology of Irenaeus," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.4 (Winter 1984): 202-218.
Article in Journal or Book Mary A. Donovan, "Irenaeus in recent scholarship," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 4.4 (Winter 1984): 219-241.

Volume 5 (1985/86)

Article in Journal or Book Denis Farkasfalvy, "The ecclesial setting and pseudepigraphy in 2 Peter and its role in the formation of the canon," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.1 (Spring 1985-1986): 3-29.
Article in Journal or Book William Reuben Farmer, "Some critical reflections on 2 Peter : a response to a paper on 2 Peter by Denis Farkasfalvy," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.1 (Spring 1985-1986): 30-46.
5.2 Conversion and the expansion of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Everett Ferguson, Editor.
Article in Journal or Book "In memoriam: MacRae, George W, S J, 1928-1985," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.2 (Summer 1985-1986): 65.
Article in Journal or Book Ramsay MacMullen, "Conversion: a historian view," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.2 (Summer 1985-1986): 67-81.
Article in Journal or Book William S. Babcock, "MacMullen on conversion: a response," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.2 (Summer 1985-1986): 82-89.
Article in Journal or Book Mark D. Jordan, "Philosophic "conversion" and Christian conversion : a gloss on Professor MacMullen," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.2 (Summer 1985-1986): 90-96.
Article in Journal or Book L. Michael White, "Adolf Harnack and the "expansion" of early Christianity : a reappraisal of social history," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.2 (Summer 1985-1986): 97-127.
Article in Journal or Book David F. Wright, "Papyrus Egerton 2 (the Unknown Gospel) - part of the Gospel of Peter," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.3 (Fall 1985-1986): 129-150.
Article in Journal or Book Esther Glickler Chazon, "Moses' struggle for his soul: a prototype for the Testament of Abraham, the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra, and the Apocalypse of Sedrach," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.3 (Fall 1985-1986): 151-164.
Article in Journal or Book Ben F. Meyer, "Historical understanding and Jesus and the gospel: a review article," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.3 (Fall 1985-1986): 165-171.
Article in Journal or Book Abraham J. Malherbe, "'Not in a corner': early Christian apologetic in Acts 26:26," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.4 (Winter 1985-1986): 193-210.
Article in Journal or Book Robert J. Hauck, "Omnes contra Celsum," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.4 (Winter 1985-1986): 211-225.
Article in Journal or Book Hendrik F. Stander, "Is Justin [Martyr] really a bad stylist," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.4 (Winter 1985-1986): 226-232.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Pilhofer, "Harnack and Goodspeed : two readers of Codex Parisinus Graecus 450," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 5.4 (Winter 1985-1986): 233-242.

Volume 6 (1987/88)

Article in Journal or Book Ronald E. Heine, "The Role of the Gospel of John in the Montanist Controversy," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.1 (Spring 1987-1988): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Corby Finney, "Early Christian Art and Archaeology I (AD 200-500) : A Selected Bibliography 1945-1985," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.1 (Spring 1987-1988): 21-42.
Article in Journal or Book Joanna Dewey, "Order in the Synoptic Gospels: A Critique," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.2 (Summer 1987-1988): 68-82.
Article in Journal or Book William O. Walker, "Order In The Synoptic Gospels: A Critique," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.2 (Summer 1987-1988): 83-97.
Article in Journal or Book Thomas R.W. Longstaff, "Order In The Synoptic Gospels: A Response," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.2 (Summer 1987-1988): 98-106.
Article in Journal or Book Reginald Horace Fuller, "Order in The Synoptic Gospels: Summary," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.2 (Summer 1987-1988): 107-109.
Article in Journal or Book Gerhard May, "Marcion in Contemporary Views: Results and Open Questions," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.3 (Fall 1987-1988): 129-
Article in Journal or Book Han J.W. Drijvers, "Marcionism in Syria: Principles, Problems, Polemics," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.3 (Fall 1987-1988): 153-
Article in Journal or Book R. Joseph Hoffmann, "How Then Know This Troublous Teacher?" Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.3 (Fall 1987-1988): 173-
Article in Journal or Book Tom Halton, "Clement of Alexandria and Athenaeus (Paed. III.4,26)," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.3 (Fall 1987-1988): 193-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Corby Finney, "Early Christian Art and Archaeology II (A.D. 200-500): A Selected Bibliography 1945-1985," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 6.3 (Fall 1987-1988): 203-

Volume 7 (1989/90)

  Gospel of Thomas studies. Everett Ferguson, Editor.
Article in Journal or Book

Kenneth V. Neller, "Diversity in the Gospel of Thomas: clues for a new Direction?" Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.1 (Spring 1989-1990): 1-18.

Article in Journal or Book Klyne Snodgrass, "The Gospel of Thomas: a secondary gospel," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.1 (Spring 1989-1990): 19-38.
Article in Journal or Book Charles W. Hedrick, "Thomas and the Synoptics: aiming at a consensus," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.1 (Spring 1989-1990): 39-56.
Article in Journal or Book Clayton N. Jefford & Stephen J. Patterson, "A Note on Didache 12.2a (Coptic)," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.2 (Summer 1989-1990): 65-
Article in Journal or Book Sara Mandell, "The Jewish Christians and the Temple Tax," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.2 (Summer 1989-1990): 76-
Article in Journal or Book Joseph M. Hallman, "Divine Suffering and Change in Origen and Ad Theopompum," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.2 (Summer 1989-1990): 85-
Article in Journal or Book Sheila A. Redmond, "The Date of the Fourth Sibylline Oracle," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.3 (Fall 1989-1990): 129-
Article in Journal or Book Richard Valantasis, "Adam's Body: Uncovering Esoteric Traditions in the Apocryphon of John and Origen's Dialogue with Heraclides," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.3 (Fall 1989-1990): 150-
Article in Journal or Book David Dundy, "The Life of Abercius: Its Significance for Early Syraic Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.3 (Fall 1989-1990): 163-
Article in Journal or Book Jacob Neusner, "The Mishnah's philosophical method : the Judaism of hierarchical classification in Greco-Roman context," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.4 (Winter 1989-1990): 193-211.
Article in Journal or Book Donald Kinder, "Clement of Alexandria: conflicting views on women," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.4 (Winter 1989-1990): 213-220.
Article in Journal or Book John D. Turner, "The figure of Hecate and dynamic emanationism in The Chaldean Oracles, Sethian gnosticism, and neoplatonism," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.4 (Winter 1989-1990): 221-232.
Article in Journal or Book Eric F. Osborn, "Clement's Hypotyposeis: Macarius revisited," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.4 (Winter 1989-1990): 233-235.

Volume 8 (1991)

Article in Journal or Book

Peter Frost, "Attitudes toward blacks in the early Christian era," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.1 (Spring 1991): 1-11.

Article in Journal or Book Eugene V. Gallagher, "Conversion and salvation in the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.1 (Spring 1991): 13-29.
Article in Journal or Book Georg Luck, "The doctrine of salvation in the Hermetic writings," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.1 (Spring 1991): 31-41.
Article in Journal or Book Dennis Ronald MacDonald, "Andrew and the ant people," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.1 (Spring 1991): 43-49.
Article in Journal or Book Michel Desjardins, "Bauer and beyond: on recent scholarly discussions of hairesis in the early Christian era," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.2 (Summer 1991): 65-82.
Article in Journal or Book Scott T. Carroll, "An early church sermon against gambling (CPL 60)," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.2 (Summer 1991): 83-95.
Article in Journal or Book Luther H. Martin, "Artemidorus: dream theory in late antiquity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.2 (Summer 1991): 97-108.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony J. Guerra, "Polemical Christianity: Tertullian's search for certitude," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.2 (Summer 1991): 109-123.
Article in Journal or Book Allen Brent, "The relations between Ignatius and the Didascalia," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.3 (Fall 1991): 129-156.
Article in Journal or Book David H. Tripp, "The original sequence of Irenaeus Adversus haereses I: a suggestion," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.3 (Fall 1991): 157-162.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence R. Hennessey, "Origen of Alexandria: the fate of the soul and the body after death," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.3 (Fall 1991): 163-178.
Article in Journal or Book David Salter Williams, "On Tertullian's text of Luke," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.4 (Winter 1991): 193-199.
Article in Journal or Book Jacobus H. Petzer, "Tertullian's text of Acts," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.4 (Winter 1991): 201-215.
Article in Journal or Book Louis Painchaud, "The redactions of the Writing without Title (CG II5)," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.4 (Winter 1991): 217-234.
Article in Journal or Book Byron R. McCane, "Bones of contention: Ossuaries and reliquaries in early Judaism and Christianity," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 8.4 (Winter 1991): 235-246.

Volume 9 (1992)

Article in Journal or Book

Everett Ferguson, "In remembrance: Albert C Outler," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 1-4.

Article in Journal or Book Denis M. Farkasfalvy, "Christological content and its biblical basis in the Letter of the Martyrs of Gaul," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 5-25.
Article in Journal or Book David L. Balás, "The use and interpretation of Paul in Irenaeus's five books Adversus haereses," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 27-39.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Brooks, "Clement of Alexandria as a witness to the development of the New Testament canon," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 41-55.
Article in Journal or Book Leroy T. Howe, "Plotinus and the Gnostics," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 57-71.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Martens, "Ignatius and Onesimus: John Knox reconsidered," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 73-86.
Article in Journal or Book Alastair Kirkland, "The literary history of The Shepherd of Hermas visions I to IV," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.1 (Spring 1992): 87-102.
Article in Journal or Book Timothy Maschke, "Prayer in the Apostolic Fathers," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.2 (Summer 1992): 103-118.
9.3 Justin Martyr's Platonism, biblical interpretation, and apologetics. Everett Ferguson, Editor
Article in Journal or Book Charles Nahm, "The debate on the "Platonism" of Justin Martyr," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.3 (Fall 1992): 129-151.
Article in Journal or Book John W. Pryor, "Justin Martyr and the Fourth Gospel," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.3 (Fall 1992): 153-169.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony J. Guerra, "The conversion of Marcus Aurelius and Justin Martyr: the purpose, genre, and content of the First apology," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.3 (Fall 1992): 171-187.
Article in Journal or Book William Reuben Farmer, editor, "The Gospel of Matthew in the second century," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.4 (Winter 1992): 193-275.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur J. Bellinzoni, "The Gospel of Matthew in the second century," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.4 (Winter 1992): 197-258.
Article in Journal or Book H. Edward Everding, "A response to Arthur J Bellinzoni," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.4 (Winter 1992): 259-263.
Article in Journal or Book Enrique Nardoni, "Interaction of orality and textuality: response to Arthur J. Bellinzoni," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.4 (Winter 1992): 265-270.
Article in Journal or Book Denis Farkasfalvy, "Matthew's Gospel in the second century: response to Arthur J. Bellinzoni," Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies 9.4 (Winter 1992): 271-275.

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