
The Letter of Aristeas

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Primary Sources

On-line Resource R.H. Charles, ed., "The Letter Of Aristeas," The Apocrypha and Pseudopigrapha of the Old Testament, Vol. 2. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1963. pp.82-122.
On-line Resource The letter of Aristeas: translated with an appendix of ancient evidence of the origin of the Septuagint by H.St.J. Thackeray. Translations of early documents, Series II, Hellenistic-Jewish textsHenry St. John Thackeray [1869?-1930], The Letter of Aristeas: translated with an appendix of ancient evidence of the origin of the Septuagint. Translations of early documents, Series II, Hellenistic-Jewish texts. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge /New York: Macmillan, 1918. pp.116. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Henry G. Meecham, The Letter of Aristeas. A linguistic study with special reference to the Greek Bible. Publications of the University of Manchester, No. 241. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 1935. pp.xxi + 355.

Secondary Sources

Book or monograph Israel Abrahams, Recent Criticism of the Letter of Aristeas [on the Septuagint]. London, 1902. pp.22.
Article in Journal or Book M.A.L. Beavis, "Anti-Egyptian Polemic in the Letter of Aristeas 130-165 (The High Priest's Discourse)," Journal for the Study of Judaism 18.2 (1987): 145-151.
Article in Journal or Book Naomi G. Cohen, "The Names of the Translators in the Letters of Aristeas: A Study in the Dynamics of Cultural Transition," Journal for the Study of Judaism 15 (1984): 32-64.
Article in Journal or Book Natalio Fernandez Marcos, "The Other Septuagint: From the Letter of Aristeas to the Letter of Jeremiah," Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 28.2 (2002): 27-41.
Article in Journal or Book D.W. Gooding, "Aristeas and Septuagint Origins: A Review of Recent Articles," Vetus Testamentum 13 (1963): 357-79.
Article in Journal or Book Moses Hadas, "Aristeas and III Maccabees, Harvard Theological Review 42 (1949): 175-84.
Article in Journal or Book George E. Howard, "The Letter of Aristeas and Diaspora Judaism," Journal of Theological Studies 22.2 (1971): 337-348.
Article in Journal or Book Sidney Jellicoe, "Aristeas, Philo, and the Septuagint Vorlage," Journal of Theological Studies n.s. 12 (1961): 261-71.
Article in Journal or Book Sidney Jellicoe, "St. Luke and the Letter of Aristeas," Journal of Biblical Literature 80 (1961): 149-155.
Article in Journal or Book Sidney Jellicoe, "The Occasion and Purpose of the Letter of Aristeas: A Re-Examination," New Testament Studies 12.2 (1966): 144-150.
Article in Journal or Book A.F.J. Klijn, " The Letter of Aristeas and the Greek Translation of the Pentateuch in Egypt," New Testament Studies 11.2 (1965): 154-158.
On-line Resource William Lefroy [1836-1909], ed., Church Leaders in Primitive TimesJoseph Armitage Robinson [1825-1933], "The Apology of Aristides," William Lefroy [1836-1909], ed., Church Leaders in Primitive Times. Lectures on Their Words and Works. Delivered in Norwich Cathedral by Eminent Anglican Devines, 2nd edn. London: Chas. J. Thynne, 1909. Hbk. pp.25-51. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book André Pelletier, "Josephus, the Letter of Aristeas, and the Septuagint," Louis H. Feldman & Gohei Hata, eds., Josephus, the Bible, and History. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989. Pbk. ISBN: 0814319831.
On-line Resource Henry Barclay Swete [1835-1917], An Introduction to the Old Testament in GreekHenry Barclay Swete [1835-1917], An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, with an Appendix Containing the Letter of Aristeas edited by H. St. J. Thackeray [1869-1930]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1900. Hbk. pp.595. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book V. Tcherikover, "The Ideology of the Letter of Aristeas," Harvard Theological Review 51 (1958): 59-85.
Article in Journal or Book G. Zuntz, "Aristeas Studies I: 'The Seven Banquets,'" Journal of Semitic Studies 4 (1959).
Article in Journal or Book G. Zuntz, "Aristeas Studies II: Aristeas on the Translation of the Torah, Journal of Semitic Studies 4 (1959): 109-26.

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